July 27


Unlock Your True Potential With This Kundalini Yoga Guide

Millions are aware of the physical aspects of yoga which includes asana practice, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques. However, there is another aspect of yoga that makes it stand out from other forms of exercise. This is the mental and spiritual aspect that connects you with the divine, which is also the end goal of all yoga practice. In regards to that, the one yoga style that offers this benefit is Kundalini Yoga. Moreover, owing to its powerful benefits many yoga teachers also recommend Kundalini yoga guide for depression and anxiety.

However, do you know what Kundalini yoga is? Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that includes singing, chanting, breathing exercises, and repetitive yoga asanas. The purpose behind the practice of this yoga style is to unlock the sacred Kundalini energy lying dormant at the base of your spine. In other words, Kundalini yoga is a powerful yoga style to help you release with the subtle energies in your body.

Let us now understand this yoga style a bit in-depth.

Kundalini Yoga – A Brief Intro

Though, Kundalini yoga is quite popular around the world, there is a mystery surrounding its origins. However, the concept of Kundalini yoga does find mention in the ancient Vedic texts from 1000 B.C.

The word Kundalini yoga comes from the Sanskrit word Kundal which means circular. It also refers to the coiled Kundalini energy lying dormant at the base of your spine. You practice Kundalini yoga to activate this energy, which moves from your spine to along your spine.

According to yoga, your body comprises of seven circles to control the flow of subtle energies. These are;

  • Sacral chakra

  • Root chakra

  • Heart chakra

  • Throat chakra

  • Crown chakra

  • Third eye chakra

  • Solar plexus chakra

The rising Kundalini energy balances all these chakras and helps you progress on a spiritual level. With daily practice under the guidance of an experienced Kundalini yoga teacher, this yoga style helps you reach the state of spiritual enlightenment. This stage of the spiritual enlightenment is known as Kundalini awakening. It is why you should give Kundalini yoga for depression and anxiety a good option to experience mental peace and bliss.

That said, Kundalini yoga does offer some impressive benefits.

3 Benefits Of Daily Kundalini Yoga Practice

Yoga experts have come up with three major benefits that Kundalini yoga offers in the long run.

1. Spiritual Enlightenment

Yoga experts know that as your Kundalini energy starts rising, you become spiritually connected with yourself. It is due to this rise that you feel more empathy, have more energy, more creativity, and experience internal peace. In other words, you realize the divine being within you.

2. Improves Memory & Focus

Do you know that depression and anxiety impact your memory power? Here is when doing Kundalini yoga improves your cognitive functioning and boosts your memory power. It is why various scientific and medical studies support the idea of Kundalini yoga for depression and anxiety for improving your focus and memory power.

3. Powerful Core

Kundalini yoga has numerous poses, lifts, and breathing exercises that work on your navel centre and abdominal muscles. Having a strong core helps you hold Kundalini yoga asanas for longer time.

However, for you to reap these benefits, you must practice the right Kundalini yoga guide asanas. Read further to know which are the best Kundalini yoga poses to remain stress free.

3 Powerful Kundalini Yoga Poses For Beginners

Remember, to unlock the Kundalini energy you have to practice a specific set of Hatha yoga poses which concentrate on the seven different energy centers.

Taking the above statement into consideration, let us find out which yoga poses these are.

1. Lotus Pose (Padmasana)

The starting yoga pose in almost every yoga class is Padmasana. This Kundalini yoga asana readies your body for meditation and breathing exercises. At the same time, the Lotus Pose also helps your body maintain the right posture.

2. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Done at the end of every yoga session, Savasana restores your body and mind to their natural state of peace and calm. This Kundalini yoga guide for depression and anxiety pose might appear to be simple yet is the most challenging yoga exercises as it requires total stillness and relaxation.

3. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjarasana-Bidalasana)

The Cat-Cow pose comprises of two different yoga asanas. However, this Kundalini yoga asana is considered as one as you do both asanas at once. Join a Kundalini yoga class at a certified yoga school to learn Kundalini yoga and the benefits of Yoga Alliance certification.


Kundalini is a unique style of yoga as it helps you advance in yoga on a spiritual and mental level. However, for you to awaken the sacred Kundalini energy without putting yourself at risk, make sure you practice Kundalini yoga for depression and anxiety under the guidance of a certified Kundalini yoga teacher.

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