May 3


What Is Stress and How to Deal With It

Stress is a normal reaction of a healthy body to a threat or overwork. In this way it tries to resist high loads, fear, excessive physical and psychological activity. As a result of this defense, first of all, the nervous system suffers.


If the overload protection works in normal mode, it’s not terrible. So a person stays awake, efficient and fit for a long time. However, often such loads are excessive. This is detrimental to health and causes chronic diseases.


Stress is an abnormal state of the body. When a person is exposed to it for a long time, the body expends energy intensively.

What Are the Causes of Stress

There are many causes of stress. Each person has an individual body. One and the same factor may not affect one of us at all, but in another cause a violent reaction. The most common factors in the development of stress:

  • Conflicts at work or at home.
  • Discontent.
  • Lack of money.
  • Lack of a meaningful vacation for a long time.
  • Routine life with a lack of change.
  • Death of a relative or close person.
  • Lack of vitamins, poor nutrition.
  • A sudden change in the environment.
  • Other reasons that can catch a person.

Symptoms of Stress

Each person reacts to stress in a different way. Common in all reactions is the negative effect on the psyche and on the physical state. A person becomes aggressive, his mood deteriorates. Stress can also cause other reactions such as silence, aloofness, passivity, and withdrawnness.

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Characteristic signs of stress are as follows:

  • Inability to concentrate on any one activity.
  • Unreasonable attacks of irritability, anger, dissatisfaction with others.
  • Drowsiness and weakness, a depressive state.
  • Insomnia, nightmares and dreams.
  • Inability to fully relax and rest.
  • Panic attacks, feelings of fear.
  • Desire to cry.
  • Lack of confidence in yourself and the people around you.
  • Lack of appetite or, on the contrary, a desire to eat a lot.
  • Sudden appearance of bright and strong emotions (for example, laughter, which is quickly replaced by tears and vice versa).
  • Increased sweating, irritability, itchy skin, and headache.
  • Dizziness, rapid breathing.
  • Numbness of extremities.
  • Nervous tics, desire to bite nails or lips.
  • Chronic fatigue that doesn’t disappear even after a night’s rest.

What Is the Danger of Stress?

Stress releases cortisol, which affects the entire body. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous system suffers. People who are frequently under stress have the following symptoms:

  • Reddening of the skin, the appearance of rashes.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Weight loss or the development of obesity.


Prolonged exposure to stress is dangerous for the body because it causes such effects:

  • Increased blood pressure. The cardiac output increases under the influence of adrenaline. All this leads to an increased risk of a heart attack. People who smoke and those who are overweight have a significantly increased chance of heart disease.
  • People who are constantly stressed are at risk of acute respiratory disease and bronchial asthma. This happens because prolonged overexertion and hormonal malfunctions disturb the immune system. Medical research shows that permanent stressful situations in adults adversely affect the health of their children.
  • Chronic stress has a negative impact on the digestive tract. A person often develops gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. In addition, stress has a negative impact on the intestinal microflora, which causes pain, flatulence, diarrhea, or constipation.
  • Musculoskeletal problems. Brittle bones and the likelihood of developing a fracture increases.
  • Endocrine disorders. Stresses lead to increased production of glucocorticoids, particularly cortisol. Increased levels of this hormone in the blood can cause diseases such as diabetes, obesity, depression. There is an increased risk of autoimmune pathologies.
  • Stress depletes the central and autonomic nervous system.
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To prevent the dangerous effects of stress on the body, it is important to learn how to resist it.

Ways to Combat Stress

In any stressful situation, it’s important not to lose composure and control. You can cope with the onrush of emotions with the help of these actions:

  • Sit down and relax. It’s important to ask yourself how important the problem is at the moment and how its solution will affect the near future. This will help you realize the importance of the anxiety state.
  • Write down individual words or phrases that come to mind when you are stressed. This will be such a distraction in itself. These phrases can be read the next day and understand how stressful the events are.
  • Swipe your index finger horizontally across your lips. This technique calms well and quickly.
  • Tense all your muscles, clench your fists and clench your teeth for 10 seconds. This will help you feel how the body switches, how relaxation comes
  • Try any classic relaxation techniques. It could be a walk, a warm bath, herbal tea, a bar of chocolate, a hobby, like gambling at Woo Casino or sewing, and a chat with friends. Maybe this is what will help you relax.
  • Try to turn the negative into a positive. The most important thing is not to let stress take over the mountain.
  • Interrupt the overpowering stress, the negative thought. To do this, you can simply clap your hands.
  • Don’ turn off the phone, ignore the attention of loved ones, friends. It’s necessary to avoid even the thought of hiding from others. Live communication is the best medicine against stress. On the contrary, it’s not necessary to isolate yourself: it will only aggravate the situation.
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These techniques for dealing with stress are not complicated. If you apply them for several days after a difficult situation, they will help for sure. Even one of the suggested techniques will help to cope with a difficult situation.


By learning to control stress, you can reduce the risks of depression, bronchial asthma, heart and vascular disease, gastritis, and obesity. It doesn’t take much at all. Even a small change in the way you live will improve your condition and reduce the negative effects of stress.


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