November 25


Facebook Video Tips: 15 Ideas for More Engagement

Whether for a marketing campaign, company profile video, or just for fun, Facebook videos are garnering more views! Many people spend an average of more than 30 minutes per day watching videos on Facebook.

So to help you get started with your next video project and make it successful, we’ve created this list of 15 ideas you can use to make your videos stand out on social media.

  1. Use a Compelling Story

People prefer watching videos that tell a story over those that show product features. To make your video more engaging, try crafting a compelling narrative and writing it out as an outline or script, so you can decide on the best shots and angles to use. It’s all about the story. The more compelling your story is, the better your video will do on social platforms. So if you’re creating something for your business or brand, make sure it has a unique and straightforward structure with a beginning, middle, and end (no pun intended).

  1. Get to the Point

Videos with a short length of 2 minutes or less are most popular among viewers. Most people won’t bother watching a video that’s more than 3 minutes long. So, always be mindful of the time your video will run and how it will be consumed, whether on mobile or a desktop. You can always have a longer video on your website or YouTube channel for those who want to watch it in its entirety. However, if you’re running a business on Facebook and constantly posting, try keeping the videos short and sweet for maximum engagement.

  1. Add a Call to Action
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When you’re creating a video, ask yourself: What’s the goal of my video? What do I want the viewers to take away from watching it? If you have an idea of what would improve your video, put it in your script so it can be shot. Do not forget to include a call to action at the end of your videos so viewers can engage with you. Make sure that the call to action is simple enough for them to understand and execute, or else you might get unwanted feedback or backlash.

  1. Show Your Brand in Action

Don’t just talk about your brand in the video. Show what it looks like! If you’re selling a product, show how it’s used or even how it’s made. Don’t be afraid to deliver the product in its natural environment instead of just in an office or studio. Viewers want to know they can relate to what you’re offering.

  1. Offer Exclusive Content

You can get more engagement from people by offering them exclusive content. For instance, if your brand sells products, try giving a sneak peek of products that are not yet on sale. It will get people to watch the video and share it with friends.

  1. Use a Known Personality
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If you have a well-known personality who can represent your brand, collaborating with them in your video can make it seem more trustworthy and engaging. Celebrities or other notable individuals can help lend credibility to your video by promoting a product because they make it seem more legitimate and newsworthy.

  1. Be Emotional

People respond better to videos that make them feel something. If you’re doing a product review, talk about how the product helped you overcome a challenge or find joy in your daily life. If you’re promoting an event, tell viewers why it touched your heart and how it will touch theirs as well.

  1. Use a Number

People tend to respond better to numbers than statistics, so if you can relate a statistic to a number, you have more impact on your viewers. For example: if 55% of people surveyed said they enjoyed your video, say it’s 55 out of 100 people. Use numbers whenever possible!

  1. Use Humor

Humor can help engage your audience and keep them paying attention to your message. It also lends credibility to your message by making it seem fewer sales and more personal since viewers can relate more easily to someone who makes them laugh or smile.

When creating a Facebook video, find the right balance of humor and seriousness that will capture your viewer’s full attention. You can add some fun to a serious video but keep in mind that it’s a social platform, so you need to strike a balance between funny and serious. Try not to go overboard with humor but also don’t be too dull or dry.

  1. Edit for Content
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If you make a video in a rush to meet a deadline, chances are it’s going to be mediocre. You can even end up with a video that is incredibly monotone and boring. That means editing for content is crucial when creating videos. Use a specific Facebook video editor that allows you to edit your content effectively.

Remember that your original vision should be crystal clear when you’re making the script or outline that will guide the shoot, so you don’t end up cutting out interesting angles that could add more value to your video.

This is especially essential if you’re creating a promotional video for your company or brand because it will be viewed by customers and clients who want to know what they stand for and how their products or services can help them reach their goals.

  1. Use Different Backgrounds

Videos are more eye-catching when they are backed by a striking background image or video background. Use pictures from your company’s website and other trusted sources to create a unique and engaging look for your video.

  1. Use Other Social Media Platforms

If you only produce videos on Facebook or Instagram, consider using a different platform to boost engagement and keep your fans interested in what you have to say. Some other options you could use include YouTube and Twitter and other forms of social media such as Pinterest and Tumblr.

  1. Use Filters
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Filters are a simple way to enhance the look of your video, make it engaging and more visually appealing. They also help you avoid extensive editing that could take additional time away from producing the content itself.

  1. Use Graphics

Make use of graphics and animation within your video to highlight special moments.

If you’re creating a company profile video, choose a graphic that describes your business and use it as an overlay over the main video clips.


  1. Add Music

Music can make your video seem more exciting and engaging. It can also help set the mood for your viewers, making them feel more confident about the content they’re watching. Use background music sparingly; too many pauses can be disruptive to the viewer and are not recommended.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach for creating a successful video on Facebook. Experiment with different ideas and post the videos you think will be most successful. If you don’t see results, try a different approach to content or schedule a time when your audience would most likely to engage with your video. It could take a couple of tries to get it right, but it’s worth the effort in the end!


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