July 4


What to do Against Food Waste

Our food waste is enormous: only about half of all food produced is eaten. Over a billion tons of food ends up in the trash every year. At the same time, millions of people go hungry. As responsible consumers, we should do something about this insane food waste, so we have more time for TonyBet.



First food is already sorted out in the fields, for example because it does not meet the standard for supermarkets. Stores sort out food before it reaches the best-before date – because customers won’t buy it otherwise.


And because we want all kinds of food to be available all year round, we import it from the farthest corners of the world. But the longer the journey and the more intermediate stops there are, the greater the likelihood that food will be damaged and spoiled during transport.


Food waste is a luxury of our affluent society that we should no longer afford, or even be able to afford.




  1. minimum shelf life is longer than you think

We often throw food that has passed its best-before date (MHD) into the trash as “expired” – a completely groundless waste of food. It’s not for nothing that it says “best before”.

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Often, goods can be consumed several days to weeks beyond the best before date without any problems. We recommend: Just take a close look at the product in question and trust your senses!


  1. buy seasonally and regionally against food waste

Buying fruits and vegetables according to the season makes sense for the environment and is part of climate-friendly shopping. Seasonal vegetables from the region last longer and run less risk of being damaged during transport and thus discarded. Fruits and vegetables from distant countries are sometimes damaged – this is also a waste of food.


  1. ugly vegetables against food waste

Huge quantities of food end up in the trash before they even reach the supermarkets – around two million tons per year in Germany. Many consumers expect perfectly shaped carrots, one-size-fits-all cucumbers and flawless apples. But when it comes to fruit and vegetables, it really doesn’t matter what they look like! Set an example against food waste by giving even crooked carrots a chance.


  1. save food with an app

The app Too Good To Go aims to help reduce food waste in the restaurant industry. The principle is simple: restaurants, cafés and snack bars post their surplus food shortly before closing time, and customers can then reserve and pick it up.

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  1. store food properly instead of wasting it

Storage has a great influence on the shelf life of food. Potatoes and onions, for example, like it dark and not too cold. Tomatoes and citrus fruits are also sensitive to cold. Fresh produce such as lettuce, spinach and dairy products belong in the refrigerator.


  1. Against food waste: Not too much of a good thing

Buy only what you really need. Before shopping, make a shopping list of what you want to eat or cook and limit yourself to exactly that – this avoids unnecessary food waste. Lettuce, spinach, berries, mushrooms or broccoli should be consumed quickly after shopping. The more selectively you shop, the less often food goes bad and ends up in the trash.



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