April 2


“7 Proven Guidelines for Writing Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles That Rank High on Google Search”


Writing a captivating blog title is essential to draw readers in and rank higher on Google search. It’s like a first impression; a great title can make people click, read, and share your content. But, creating a catchy blog post title is not just about being creative; it’s about incorporating SEO principles that help your content rank higher in search engine results. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven proven guidelines for writing attention-grabbing blog titles that rank high on Google search and what makes them so effective.

1. Use Numbers in Your Headline

The human brain automatically recognizes and remembers numbers better than words, making them a powerful tool for attracting readers. By including numbers in your blog title, you create a sense of structure and organization that draws the readers’ attention. For example, “10 Tips for Writing Better Headlines” or “5 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Blog Writing.” These headlines capture the reader’s attention with a structured format and provide valuable information at the same time.

2. Make it Clear and Specific

The blog title should communicate clearly what the reader can expect from the article. It’s important to use simple, straightforward language that is easy to understand. Avoid using jargon or complicated words that can confuse or alienate readers. For example, instead of using technical language like “SEO Optimization Techniques,” use a more straightforward phrase like “7 Proven Ways to Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines.”

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3. Be Descriptive and Accurate

Being descriptive in your blog title can help attract readers who are looking for specific information. Be sure to accurately describe the content of the blog post, and avoid misleading readers with false claims or sensationalist titles. A title like “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing” needs to be comprehensive and satisfy readers’ expectations.

4. Use Emotional Words

Words that evoke emotions can help capture a reader’s attention and engage them with your content. Whether it’s the promise of “Amazing” results or a subject that “Stirs Up Controversy,” emotional language can bridge the gap between what readers want and what they may not yet know they need. Using emotional words is a tool that writers and marketers have been using for centuries. It’s a simple way to connect with your audience genuinely.

5. Make it Simple and Concise

Simple and concise blog titles are more effective than long and complicated ones, both in terms of ranking on Google search and capturing readers’ attention. Aim for titles that are no more than 60 characters long, as research has shown that people are more likely to engage with shorter titles. Use only the necessary words that give a clear idea of what the content is about.

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6. Use an Active Voice

An active voice strengthens your blog post title by providing clarity and conviction. It places the focus on the action and the subject, not the object. Blog titles often use a verb that suggests a benefit or solution to the reader. For example, instead of using a passive title like “The Importance of Social Media,” use an active title like “How to Use Social Media to Boost Your Business.”

7. Include a Keyword Phrase

Keyword phrases can improve your blog post’s search engine optimization (SEO) by helping search engines understand what your content is about. Including a relevant and specific keyword phrase in your blog title can increase visibility in search results and attract more readers. However, do not stuff the title with too many keywords, which could result in a penalty from Google. For example, if you’re writing a blog post about “Gardening Tips,” use “10 Essential Gardening Tips” as your title.

7 FAQs about Writing Attention-Grabbing Blog Titles

Q1. What are some attention-grabbing words that I can use in my blog titles?

A1. Some attention-grabbing words include “amazing,” “ultimate,” “essential,” “effective,” “simple,” and “proven.” But, it’s important to use them judiciously and not overdo them.

Q2. How many words should my blog title be?

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A2. Aim for a blog title that’s no more than 60 characters long, including spaces and punctuation.

Q3. Can I use a question as my blog post title?

A3. Yes, questions are an effective way to stimulate reader engagement and get them interested in your content.

Q4. Should I use the same title across all social media platforms for my blog post?

A4. No, it’s essential to optimize your blog post title for every social media platform you plan to use to promote your content.

Q5. How many keywords should I include in my blog title?

A5. Including one or two keyword phrases in your blog title is sufficient. Avoid using too many keywords that could cause your blog post to be flagged as spam.

Q6. What is the best way to optimize my blog title for SEO?

A6. Use a relevant and specific keyword phrase as close to the beginning of your blog title as possible.

Q7. Is it okay to change my blog title after it’s been published?

A7. It’s best to avoid changing your blog title after publication, as it can affect your SEO ranking. However, if necessary, make sure to redirect the old URL to the new one.


Writing an attention-grabbing blog title is necessary for ranking high on Google search and attracting readers. Using numbers, emotional words, and descriptive language can help make your title stand out. It’s best to keep it simple, concise, and use an active voice. Including a specific keyword phrase can improve your SEO.

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Remember, the title is the first thing readers see and the most crucial element that determines whether they’ll read or not. You need to make sure your blog title resonates with your target audience. Therefore, take the necessary time to craft an excellent title that will stand out and enjoy your readers’ attention.


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