July 26


Now Maintain A Healthy Weight With These Yoga Asanas

Being overweight has become a common health issue in the modern-day world. Although you might blame processed foods and artificial sweeteners; in the end you are the one who suffers. A sedentary lifestyle with a lack of physical exercise are the culprits behind you unhealthy weight. However, it is never too late to follow the right strategy which in this case would be signing up for a Yoga Asanas for overweight beginners class.

If you are confused between overweight and obesity, remember, these are both the same things. Obesity simply means you have a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or higher. Fortunately, the ancient art of yoga can help you get rid of this issue. It gives you the tools to keep your weight within a healthy range. First, let us take a look at what health problems can arise due to all that extra weight.

Overweight & The Dilemma Of Severe Health Issues

Remember, you can become overweight or obese even due to a family history of obesity. When it comes to weight, the majority of it occurs around your stomach. Unfortunately, being overweight is not a good thing.

Considering the above statement, given below are some health issues you develop due to being overweight.

1. Heart Diseases

Do you know that being overweight increases your risk of developing serious heart problems? Yes! Extra weight makes you vulnerable to severe heart diseases like high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Luckily, you can enroll in a beginners yoga retreat to practice yoga under the guidance of yoga experts and handle this problem before it gets out of hand.

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2. Cancer

Yes! Being obese comes with an increased risk of cancer. This cancer impacts your colon, breasts, kidney, and even esophagus. Moreover, you develop an increased risk of developing gallbladder and pancreatic cancer in the long term.

3. Gout

Gout is a disease that affects your joints. It occurs when you have a high level of uric acid in your blood. This extra uric acid forms crystals which get deposited in your joints. Unfortunately, you can develop Gout if you are an overweight individuals. You can get rid of this problem by signing up for yoga for overweight beginners session.

4. Sleep Apnea

Being overweight also wreaks havoc on your ability to sleep peacefully at night. Have you heard of Sleep Apnea? It is a breathing problem that causes you to snore heavily and even stop breathing during a deep sleep. In the long run, this problem also gives birth to severe health problems like a stroke.

However, behind every problem there is always a cause. In the case of overweight, there are some that yoga asanas experts have come up with.

How You Gain Unnecessary Weight?

The usual reasons linked to being overweight is eating too much and a general absence of any exercise. Yoga experts have come up with three reasons why you might gain unnecessary weight.

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1. A Lack Of Sleep

Do you know there is a link between a lack of quality sleep and weight gain? Yes! If staying up late has become a part of your everyday routine, there is a high chance you would eat more. A sleep-deprived body has a higher appetite and that can make you gain unhealthy weight.

2. Cushing’s Syndrome

A common symptom of Cushing’s syndrome is unnecessary weight gain. Cushing’s syndrome leads to a high level of the stress hormone, Cortisol. In the long run, this makes you obese and is also the reason behind a number of abnormalities.

Add to that, if you take steroids for asthma or lupus; there is a high chance you would develop Cushing’s syndrome. It is why you should include yoga for overweight beginners in your daily life to stay away from this problem.

3. Antidepressants Medications

The first side-effect of taking antidepressants is weight gain. You should consult the doctor to change the medication plan if antidepressant medications are causing you to gain weight. You can practice yoga under the guidance of highly skilled yoga teachers to maintain a healthy weight.

Luckily, yoga experts from around the world have compiled a list of yoga asanas and how these help you get rid of the excess weight.

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Yoga Asanas To Help You Lose Unnecessary Weight

The daily practice of yoga gives you the perfect combination of good exercise and a healthy diet. These two play a crucial role when it comes to losing weight.

Considering the statement above, given below are four yoga poses and how these help you maintain a healthy waist to hips ratio.

1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)

The best yoga asana that helps you prepare for further yoga practice. Mountain Pose improves blood circulation and activates your core muscles. This is the best yoga pose to strengthen your thighs, knees, and ankles.

2. Paschimottasana (Seated Forward Bend)

An effective yoga for overweight beginners asana that is also a Hatha yoga pose. This activates the center of your solar plexus and gives your thighs, hips, and hamstrings a good stretch. If you are prone to digestive problems, this is the yoga asana to practice.

3. Pavanmuktasana (Wind Relieving Pose)

If you are prone to gastric problems, do the Pavanmuktasana. This yoga pose keeps you safe from constipation and indigestion. Holding this asana for more than a minute activates the fat burning process in your body.

4. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Camel Pose is one yoga asana you should do to improve body posture, strengthen your back muscles, and get rid of menstrual cramps. It is also quite effective when it comes to getting rid of belly fat.

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Getting rid of belly fat requires a lot of efforts. However, if you want to get rid of this problem without signing up for expensive gym memberships, go to a yoga for overweight beginners class. This will help you cut out the excessive fat without too much hassle.


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